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Quail Brood Mix

$12.00 per lb.

This mix provides overhead cover from predators. but space for quail broods to move freely at ground level. Brood fields are typically disked in the fall or early winter to encourage reseeding, but if not disturbed will provide seed that is used by quail and songbirds Brood fields should be 2-4 acres in size and dispersed across the property. Areas managed intensively for wild bobwhites typically maintain around 20% of the property in brood habitat.

The components of our mixes could vary slightly depending on crop yield and availability of our species.

In Stock

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 6 in
Sowing Depth

1/4" to 3/8"

Seeding Rate

20 lbs. per acre


Most soils


Sun to Part Shade

Blooming Period

Summer – Fall

SpeciesType% by Wt.
RagweedAmbrosia artemisiifoliaA60
Partridge PeaChamaecrista fasciculataP40

The components of our mixes could vary slightly depending on crop yield and availability of our species.