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Conservation Reserve Mix (CRP)

$25.00 per lb.

Conservation Reserve Mix Conservation Reserve Mix (CRP) is a wonderful mix of native grasses and wildflowers.

The components of our mixes could vary slightly depending on crop yield and availability of our species.

In Stock

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 6 in
Seeding Rate

18 lbs. per acre

Conservation Reserve Mix (CRP) is a mix of native grasses and wildflowers includes species, such a Little Bluestem and Black-eyed Susan, that have proven to be the best performers in establishing successful restorative plantings. The native warm season grass has a higher percentage by weight in the mix to give a good balance of grasses and wildflowers. Generally, the wildflowers will establish first and continue to fill in over time. If the wildflower content is too high, they can inhibit establishment of grasses. The grasses take longer to establish and this mix seems to yield a good balance.

Experience has shown that the best time to seed in February, March and April. Earlier seeding seems to work best so plants can get a jump on weeds such as crabgrass. Make sure your drill or drilling techniques can plant the seed at 1/16 to 1/18 of an inch in depth. The drill or drilling techniques should also include press wheels or cultipacker to push seed into the soil and firm the seed bed. Soil cover and firmness over seed is critical to getting the grasses to establish. It is not as critical to get firmed soil over the wildflowers as it is the grasses. With proper planting techniques and timing, this mix is especially designed for hardy growth.

SpeciesType% By Wt.
Little BluestemSchizachyrium scoparium 18%
Yellow IndiangrassSorghastrum nutans 10%
Splitbeard grassAndropogon ternarius2%
Lanced-Leaf CoreopsisCoreopsis lanceolata P9%
Partridge PeaChamaecrista fasciculataP9%
Large flower coreopsisCoreopsis grandifloraP9%
Narrow-Leaved SunflowerHelianthus angustifoliusP8%
Purple coneflowerEchinacea purpureaP7%
Bur-MarigoldBidens aristosaA6%
Plains CoreopsisCoreopsis tinctoriaA6%
Black-Eyed SusanRudbeckia hirtaA/P6%
Spotted BeebalmMonarda punctata P5%
Goldenmane TickseedCoreopsis basalisA5%

The components of our mixes could vary slightly depending on crop yield and availability of our species.

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